This is silly. EVERY system can be exploited, and every group should expect eachother to act in good faith. The difference between systems is what parts are done for you and what parts you do yourself, and every group is going to want a different assortment of those pieces. You’re just mad that some groups get what they want out of DnD. You are the problem person in this image.
I thought people didn’t like him because he said something stupid on twitter? Can’t find it now of course.
I’m baffled by both the fighting in these comments and the overall vehemence. If you want to put a cool cursed item in your game, just drop it when the players are still too low level to have remove curse…or make it subtle enough that they don’t initially realize it’s cursed.
EDIT: NVM I just realized you’re all trying to ape the critical roll thing and didn’t plan for getting player buy-in or homebrew
Captains are actually fully autonomous, admirals just exist to make sure they feel like cool badass maverick rebels.
Queercoding villains to make them seem dangerous and deviant to the people of the time (and those that are still stuck in that time). Admittedly, the people making that decision probably weren’t conscious of that being why they thought eyeliner made him look villainous.
“Try more games” is great advice, and it’s always good to expand your horizons, but at some point it stopped being actual advice and became the catchphrase of people who just can’t handle the idea that someone would choose to play D&D.
Be the change