It feels like all my relatives listen to this shit.
Go ahead and add the Midwest to that too.
I went to suburban (read rich) Connecticut once, and ya that shit was everywhere.
It’s the obsession with Americana
I just got back from the state fair and it’s all Cowboy hats and leather jackets
Like, just because you have a F-150 you take to Whole Foods and a horse you keep in a stable five towns over, that don’t make you a country boy
also: shut up about your fuckin jeep
it’s conspicuous consumption as identity performance
Basically. White reactionaries in the middle class actually spend a good deal of money just so they can LOOK like poor people. Personally, I like to call them “cosplay cowboys”.
If you’re a poor fool like me who’s born in North America AND can’t afford to live in megacities like NYC, Montreal, Toronto, LA, etc. You know what I’m talking about.