This is like the Puerto Rican guys who want Spanish to annex the island again.
I’m not even sure their mind was this far gone.
I have a Finnish friend, and he can never stop talking about the Winter War & Continuation War. Like mf’er, you fought with the Nazis.
Finns, as well as Poles, are laughably quick to forget that the only reason their countries are independent is because in 1917, the Russian Socialist Federation of Soviet Republics, i.e. the Bolsheviks, literally days after the October revolution, created a constitution granting the right to self-determination and unilateral secession to all peoples of the former Russian empire. If it hadn’t been for the Bolsheviks they so despise, their countries would very likely be part of some modern Russian state (either an empire or a constitutional monarchy of sorts).
Stalin (the Red Army) saved the Polish people from complete extermination and Polish nationalists will never forgive him for it.
when Hitlerite’s systematically exterminate six million Polish nationals
When the Reds very literally save your entire ethnicity from ruthless extermination
Finns still fantasize about restoring Finland to its former glory
The northeastern red area on the map (Petsamo) is known as a lost arm of the Finnish Maiden
Yeah it’s real bad. Also the myth of Winter War about how our plucky little heroes held of hordes and hordes of asiatic hordes is very reminiscent of the Spartan myth of Thermopylae. Insanely easy to defend places got pushed through in months instead of holding for years like was the idea.
The whole Mannerheim line was supposed to be the most defensible set of defensive structures in the whole world at that point, they got people who were responsible for the Maginot line and the people who critiqued that checking it out and helping. The Soviets pushed through that shit in a few months in one of the most harrowing conditions you could have.
the finns have fucking nothing to be proud off, and Stalin should’ve stopped at the river Torne.
It’s also kind of funny to see these Nazi bootlickers portray the Winter War as some kind of Russian invasion even though Ukrainians made up a substantial part of the Soviet forces and one of the Red Army field marshals was Tymoshenko, a Ukrainian.
Also Side note: Natopedia is trash and depicts the Finish sniper Simo as the greatest sniper ever even though Finnish historians have acknowledged that most of his “kills” are unconfirmed. Soviet WW2 snipers are orders of magnitude more impressive.
Add to that; the whole thing was because the Soviets were trying to fortify their defenses in the Leningrad region against the inevitable Hitlerite invasion. They set up a deal with the Finnish government to do a land swap. And, afaik? It was about to be signed when some fascit White general left over from the Civil War walked in and crushed the deal.
Then the Soviets invaded, seized the territory the wanted to build their defense line on, achieved their war goals, and killed all the Fascist Finnish soldiers who marched with the Nazis on Leningrad and Finnish Nationalists have been whining about it and claiming victory for almost a hundred years.
The whole “winter war” narrative is completely ahistorical. The Soviets didn’t just invade for no reason, they weren’t trying to conquer Finland, and they achieved their objectives.
Free Manchuria? We’re reaching levels of fascist bootlicking I didn’t think were possible.
The fucking evil gall of these people.
I think that’s traditional Chinese, this person probably lives in Taiwan or Japan.
Motherfucker they should have taken more