From all the concern trolling I see in the other instances it’s clear that there’s no winning over these people. Everything is “Kremlin propaganda” to them. I do think a lot of chapos did go a little overboard with the PPB, but even thoughtful responses were met with the “hateful rhetoric” and “Kremlin talking points” BS. As always, it is to the Global South we must look to for any hope in the future…
Eh, I heard someone who visited Cuba being told that the US has a lot of revolutionary potential by Cuban communists so
There is always “we can’t do a revolution here but we can funnel resources to where a revolution could succeed” but that’s an edge case and I agree with the sentiment.
IDK where I land between genuinely thinking a revolution will ever happen in the imperial core (at least in a meaningful amount of time before it all collapses due to climate change) but I think it’s also possible to think, “We might never see a revolution here, but we can do our best to lay the groundwork for one and seed enough class consciousness as to prevent further US imperialist interventionism” which is different to defeatism IMO. Not that revolutionary defeatism doesn’t also have its place.
DRS GME to stop global financial fraud
Please do not draw conclusions from how people post on a niche internet forum.
True, though it’s arguably worse in the general population. Western indoctrination runs deeeeep.
Idk may just be my personal experience but I’ve never heard anyone irl say anything close to as weird about geopolitical stuff or communism as I’ve seen from liberals since federation. Closest is my dad saying once that he agreed with Patton that the western allies should have “kept going” (like the opposite of our “Stalin shouldnt have stopped at Berlin” thing) but that was a one time thing.
Maybe its because I haven’t really bothered to say things that challenge liberal perspectives about geopolitics I guess? But it says something that they certainly haven’t volunteered that kind of weird shit.
That said I haven’t had much human contact since I lost my old job so maybe my experience is limited.
I just had a conversation about the wave of true crime media with my coworkers. They were visibility uncomfortable when I pointed out it just how wild it is the cops are so bad at their jobs an entire media empire spawned from it. One guy couldn’t bring himself to speak and we had to change the subject.
I’ve never heard anyone irl say anything close to as weird about geopolitical stuff or communism
People generally try to avoid political topics in conversations. Especially around people who aren’t very close. It took me around 6 months of knowing some people to discover one guy was a BJP supporter, one guy supports the Nazis over the Soviets, one guy thinks Putin invaded because he has cancer, one guy thinks Chinese people can’t access VPNs or they’ll be taken away, one guy discovered the truth about Ukrainian Nazis, how Soviet backed Afghanistan was much better, yet still supported American interventionism because he works in America so it’s good for him, etc.
I could literally keep typing for paragraphs and paragraphs but yea
I’ve tried to talk to libs about China because I’m Chinese so maybe that’s why I have a different perspective.
Its like everyone around you refusing to believe that the sky is blue because BBC told them that the sky is green. After a while you start to question even yourself.
Idk may just be my personal experience but I’ve never heard anyone irl say anything close to as weird about geopolitical stuff or communism as I’ve seen from liberals since federation.
Back when the SMO started in early 2022, I was hanging out with some ppl IRL and one of them just blatantly said “they should just take him [Putin] out” (as in assassinate him). And this was at a milquetoast event where geopolitics wasn’t even the reason we were there (it was a trivia night). So yeah even irl normies have some pretty warped views. Another guy I know just blatantly repeated the “China is buying up all the farmland in the US” nonsense…
“The West”