Indigenous people, including the Nez Perce tribe, have lived in the Columbia River Basin for thousands of years.
Foreman (the senator in question) was born in Lake Forest, Illinois.
We should pass a law that makes it legal for indigenous people to shoot white people on sight whenever they want. They should be allowed to chase people off their property. Like a “stand-your-ground” law, but for an entire state.
There’s this whole thing with the ghost dance where the native people tried to make whites go away by dancing on their own. Like they had given up trying to kill them and just said “fuck it we will try magic to make you go away.” It didn’t work of course but it was kinda nice that while getting shot to death by whites they tried to do something that wasn’t just shooting them back. They had more humanity while being genocided than the people murdering them. Cautionary tale.
Crackers once again fitting their stereotype like a glove.
Crackers resist the urge to prove yourselves wrong, in particular when claiming racism doesn’t exist, challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)