there’s a new company out there that exists specifically to secure food waste from dumpster diving. it’s more sophisticated then the old pour bleach or use padlocks. they basically come take it away and to a secure facility to dispose of it. their motto is “Preserving the Value of Food”.
grapes of wrath quote
oh and they don’t actual give this food to food banks despite the website
And anaerobic digestion isn’t going to sequester carbon. It just creates methane.
it’s more sophisticated then the old pour bleach or use padlocks. they basically come take it away and to a secure facility to dispose of it.
so really they’re creating jobs, which allows people so they can buy food at proper market price. smh commies dont understdant basic economics
Since most Americans have a couple of years of extra padding, the best approach might be to encourage reduced consumption; higher prices for food and beverages could curb waste and excess.
Yeah let’s make fresh fruits and vegetables more expensive, that’ll improve the health of Americans
Hungry Americans expect you to lower food prices the minute you are in the White House. However, this directive may not be necessary as the hunger issue will soon resolve itself.
some will afford food, some will perish, and the market will stabilize. the invisible hand wins again
Since most Americans have a couple of years of extra padding, the best approach might be to encourage reduced consumption; higher prices for food and beverages could curb waste and excess.
this is just the bald-face PR (ie. propaganda) of a razor-toothed sociopath to hand-waive rising food costs against stagnant wages (ie. falling real wages), not realizing they’re sharpening the guillotines with every word.
Are they really saying “food is too expensive, so buy an even more expensive drug that keeps you from being hungry”?
“There is, and always has been, a widespread belief among the more comfortable classes that the poverty and suffering of the masses are due to their lack of industry, frugality, and intelligence. This belief, which at once soothes the sense of responsibility and flatters by its suggestion of superiority, is probably even more prevalent in countries like the United States, where all men are politically equal, and where, owing to the newness of society, the differentiation into classes has been of individuals rather than of families, than it is in older countries, where the lines of separation have been longer, and are more sharply, drawn."
- Henry George.
Even liberals realize this stench anywhere
Since most Americans have a couple of years of extra padding, the best approach might be to encourage reduced consumption; higher prices for food and beverages could curb waste and excess. Once we adjust, the food industry will no longer need to rely on hormones to boost production.
Riiiiight…because EVERYONE knows there’s no such thing as food deserts! It’s so much EASIER to prescribe everyone some wunderdrug and keep food a luxury good than it is to break up monopolies! Not only will that make the money sad, but it might also GASP…have CHALLENGES!
My sister in Christ, you want to “save us poors from ourselves”? How about you and the rest of your rich friends plummet your property values in walkable cities so us poors can walk everywhere! Or IDK, just ban addictive chemicals that are added to foodstuffs?
And there’s one industry that will definitely boom—the apparel industry. As everyone sheds weight, they’ll need new wardrobes. Come your next campaign, you’ll face supporters who are leaner, better dressed, and happier.
Fuck you. “You will own nothing and be happy” ahh article.