there shouldn’t be golf carts anywhere, golf is reactionary
you’re right tho
bourgeois activity that takes up an inordinate amount of space, water, and other resources
It’s not bourgeois really. It can be, but where I’m from you turn up and pay a fiver for a bucket of balls. Take it to the range, borrow a club and have a smack around. I was shocked to be honest - my friend took me and I thought it was gonna be some country club arsehole type deal. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
I also think the idea of something being wasteful isn’t exactly fair. I mean, you could apply that logic to just about anything. And I say that as an anti lawn kinda person.
I think it’s a good social sport for old people especially, and as a sport it has its place in the world.
when the revolution comes again to Florida it’ll be hilarious to see the Ken/Karen kart kavalry og the Villages
This implies that someplace exists where there should be golf carts.