lol no
I don’t think she will, I feel like she only has clout now because the liberals needed to push her as a valid option over Biden (and was already his VP). Even if she does win, I have a feeling she’ll only get a single term before the Conservatives can find someone to beat her.
Has anyone else ever run a third time after being unsuccessful twice? The thing about the DNC is they have a production line of anonymous tank-raised ghouls, they learned their lesson about hitching their hopes to one egg after Clinton I think
I think Nixon ran several times before getting elected. He was VP to Eisenhower.
He won (as VP to Eisenhower) in '52 and '56, lost the election to JFK in '60, lost his gubernatorial race in '62, lost the primary in '64 to Barry Goldwater, then he won in '68 and '72.
Has anyone else ever run a third time after being unsuccessful twice?
Biden has been running for president since like 1906.
There is no way she wins a primary after losing to Trump. It would very embarrassing for her to even try to seek nomination, and for this reason I doubt she will try.