There is no way she wins a primary after losing to Trump. It would very embarrassing for her to even try to seek nomination, and for this reason I doubt she will try.
No, they’re already prepping for Gruesome Newsome 2028. That’s why he recently met with Xi. It’s all prep work for his campaign in 2028.
It’s Michelle Obama 2028 if she can sail through the primaries
We will probably never hear about her ever again
She’ll either be a discount Hillary or trotted out as an argument for why [insert slightly less right-wing candidate who is a woman or a POC or a POC woman] is unelectable and therefore can’t be the dem candidate in whatever year it is we’ll see a new candidate pull a “Bernie '16/'20”
No they’ll continue their right wing march and push Newsom. Or maybe they’ll grab some “moderate” Republican from Ohio and run their first obviously blue dog