seems like we only have ~10 years to deal with climate change. also seems like joe biden is gonna get the nom. What the fuck do we do in these next few years given that the dems are not remotely interested in dealing with climate change in any real way?
There really is no other way to answer this question other than to build a revolutionary movement outside of bourgeois structures. There are many formations of this that are in the early stages and need support and membership. I know it gets tiring being told to organize and agitate, and there are days/weeks in which I feel entirely hypocritical saying that, but we can’t afford to keep waiting for elections to change the conditions, the system is clearly on its decline towards another large scale recession/depression. We need to be out there telling people exactly why we’re in this hellish situation and showing them that we need to restructure from the ground up, and that its worth risking many of the comforts we in the imperial core enjoy.
It’s incredibly hard to see such large-scale problems held up by immense power structures and forces of violence, and then to be told the only thing we can do is go out in our community, build relations, and perform mutual aid. As an ML, I believe that we need to build a Party to be able to maintain/protect revolutionary energy, but the on-the-ground implementation at the moment is all similar regardless of your tendancy.
I’m just waiting for the house of cards to collapse at this point and let the pieces fall where they may tbh.
The hard thing about “we” doing anything is that “we” is just a rhetorical device. If you mean lefties, we’re beholden to all the overdetermining structural shit that normies are, we’re just more keyed in as to the root problems and how to solve them. We’re kind of locked in to climate catastrophe, and the ruling class ain’t gonna go commie just cuz the seas start boiling. I figure the most tangible actions we can take are local: develop mutual aid infrastructure, agitate lefty perspectives and goals, start growing food, etc. We’re only gonna experience more chaos on all levels, but we can ride these waves by building communal trash islands :)
Fifth column activities for China