seems like we only have ~10 years to deal with climate change. also seems like joe biden is gonna get the nom. What the fuck do we do in these next few years given that the dems are not remotely interested in dealing with climate change in any real way?
It depends where you live. If you live in a area that is going to be devastated by climate change figure out how to be more independent for basic supplies or move. Living in a less devastated area use community networks to help slow it minor and produce capital that will provide for basic needs. A great tactic I have read about is permaculture which is a form of environmentally sustainable food production. Experts in permaculture have been able to increase water retention and grow food in desolate areas. On a individual basis this means you should use those principles to start improving soil and growing food. Which will trap carbon and reduce the reliance on food produced using fossil fuels. Community gardens, suburban backyards, parks, especially rural area, a apartment balcony and guerrilla gardening. Encourage others around you to do the same.
If you live in a area where you think water might become less reliable learn to collect water and make it potable. I know a lot of people here have housing situations which make this idea much less feasible so finding neighbors worried about this kind of thing and doing it on their property is a good idea.
If you live in a area which won’t be decimated by climate change expect a influx of migrants into your communities. Be prepared for this by forming groups to help migrants immigrate, achieve basic needs or any other topic you think migrants would struggle with. Even having a group which is openly a safe place for migrants with a rise of xenophobia is a great idea. Many people will loose their homes and be forced to move.
China produces 35 percent of global emissions and is a growing renewables powerhouse, so hope for the best for the CCP and hope they deliver on their plans?
Naomi Klein has a decent short book on the use of renewables in Haiti IIRC, and how useful they are for community organising during climate and natural disaster disruptions.
china is a developing country. their per capita emissions are close to New Zealand. Ours is more than double. the us poses the single greatest threat to world stability and a proper response to the climate crisis and has contributed more co2 emissions over the past century than the next 3 countries combined (china, russia, germany). china might do the right plan for their country and help the region but the us will continue to be an impediment to a global response
NZ isn’t a good benchmark. We have very high emissions per capita due to our low population count and large agricultural industry.
Its comparatively higher to other developed countries yeah but countries like the us, canada, and australia are more than double. Mexico for example has half the per capita emissions of China. My only point is that in terms of the scope of the response most other developed countries have a need for a much more drastic action than China to get their emissions down. The only reason people focus on China is because they’re the largest so their response has a bigger impact.
On a per capita basis sure, overall I think the US contributes the second largest amount of emissions at about 10 percent.
While the US is a lost cause, Chinese dominance in renewables will bring costs down and result in American capitalists pursuing that instead.
I’m sorry but imagine thinking that even if Bernie had won anything remotely resembling his vision for a green new deal would’ve made it through congress. I’m not trying to be cynical, but we need to recognize the reality we live in and act accordingly.
The most Bernie could’ve realistically done on his own as president is ban new fossil fuel projects on american soil, all this would do is increase the price of oil and would result in more of these sorts of projects happening in Canada instead of the US. From a sort of real politik view, the only way to meaningfully address climate change is to make it so that renewables are cheaper than fossil fuels.
Now, how can leftists make renewables cheaper in comparison, they can do forms of direct action that do make the price of oil go up. Things like pipeline protests are far from useless actions. It’s time to ramp up on that sort of thing.
The road to fascism will be paved in the next 4 years and setting the stages for a future civil war and potential balkanization.
I posted this thread last week with my predictions of a Biden presidency -
Bear in mind - Dems will inherit the worst economic conditions since the great depression and they want to pass austerity budgets. The right wing backlash to this is going to be worse than anything we’ve ever seen before. We’re going to have a new reactionary right wing movement and they will be far more fascistic than anything Trump could’ve ever done. It will be a direct result to Biden’s incompetence and Dems doing fuck all about the wealth inequality.
Richard Spencer endorsed Biden and said that his movement could benefit from him more than Trump. The alt right wasn’t really helped by Trump’s 2016 victory cause it pushed them to the forefront and into the spotlight before they were prepared. They would’ve been better off with another useless neo-liberal president like Hillary, where they could sit back for 4 years and keep building their base and pushing propaganda. Biden is going to be a wet dream to them.
More likely a civil war will be guerrilla fighting between a handful of different insurgent groups than different factions of the US military fighting each other. Of course given the military’s penchant for losing nukes and that we live in hell, i wouldn’t be surprised if some of the militias end up with them lol
Any civil war in the US will be between nuclear armed factions of what is left of a broken US military.
You should listen to Robert Evans’ ‘It Could Happen Here’ podcast and read up on civil wars like in Yugoslavia, Syria and Lebanon. It’s not all about nuclear weapons.
Balkanization, though often treated as more a meme than a viable political strategy, is a legitimate approach that the left should consider.
Think about crazy, irrational Qultists or MAGA zealots. These people are completely insane. They are also potential allies in the push for balkanization. Someone in one of those crowds is not interested in facts or consequences. For them, politics is an extension of faith, hatred, and pleasure. Adrenochrome and mole children and microchips are real because them being real feels good. Hillary is going to be tried and executed because they hate her and revenge on people you hate feels good.
You know what else feels good to this crowd? Excluding perceived undesirables. Improving the purity of your country. Sell these people a narrative about why letting places they’ve already been taught to hate secede is patriotic, holy, based, a return to tradition, a middle finger to the deep state, a way to make America great again. Conservatives have spent the past four years enjoying a dominance built on the support of a population that will respond to this kind of messaging. A sufficiently convincing campaign may leave conservatives no choice but to provide political assistance to a secession attempt.
Breaking up the US reduces the power of the federal government and could be a first step towards building something better.
Very good points. I wish I had a good answer to the criticism that this kind of narrative is dangerous for people who are left behind in American territory, but I don’t have anything to offer, because you’re right.
As for the food issue, maybe the lesson is that balkanization needs to start in an area where agriculture is a possibility. The People’s Republic of New York sounds fun until everybody is starving because of sanctions.
A lot of the nations food is produced in California but yeah the highway system will be a choke point regardless of if California secedes in one piece (eg if the rural parts of the state stick with the urban parts) or if somehow the east and west coasts have some sort of alliance in the hypothetical Balkanization map