They want to lose so badly
Conservative “Get off the Democrat PLANTATION” is the cringiest shit ever but the Dems very much do take black people for granted
Hellworld nightmare fuel: the GOP continues to do outreach like this, maybe they even offer some real gains in the form of either minor criminal justice reform (during which they talk about undoing the “Democrat Crime Bill”) and/or economic programs a la Kamala’s “small business in an undeserved community blah blah” shit but more substantial. They see gains in the black vote, especially among upwardly mobile white collar types. This has the secondary effect of alienating the few remaining hardcore, old school white supremacists, who are comfortable going back to voting for Democrats. The GOP conducts some very detailed polling to illustrate this transition and publicizes it very well, painting the Dems as, once again, the party of white supremacy, versus a GOP that is now a resurgent Party of Lincoln.
The Democrats stand there with a smoking gun in their hand and a bullet hole in their foot, scratching their ass in an effort to find their head.
It’s almost like bourgeois parties are a dead-end.
I don’t really care whether the “lesser of two evils” has an R or a D next to their name.
The day the Republicans start addressing wealth inequality and talking about the class war, is the day the Democratic party dies forever.
The Dems nominating Joe Biden shows how much they care about the poor people. The next 4 years are going to be them waging naked class war on us while offering the usual empty platitudes and identity politics. We’re fast approaching the point where neither of those things work anymore for liberalism.
The Dems wanted to be the Republican party of the old days and they achieved it by nominating Biden. He is basically George W Bush 2.0 and they love that. Biden’s message to all of us? Fuck you if you’re poor. The austerity his admin wants to push during the hardest economic conditions since the great depression will lead to a massive backlash from the right wing.
Refusing to meet with a music celebrity who scribbled down a few cool ideas in his Trapper Keeper isn’t “taking black people for granted”.
O’Shea Jackson doesn’t appear to have any kind of base of support. He’s not leading a movement. He’s not organizing people municipally or advocating on behalf of this plan to any community of interest. He literally just went straight to Trump and offered to do a photo-op in front of a stack of blank pages.
Nobody should take this shit seriously.
Refusing to meet with a music celebrity who scribbled down a few cool ideas in his Trapper Keeper isn’t “taking black people for granted”.
Sure, but a lot of other stuff Democrats do is.
Besides, it would take a half-hour Zoom meeting to avoid the whole issue and at least look like you’re trying.
Sure, but a lot of other stuff Democrats do is.
Neoliberals melting down over Brie’s interview with Chomsky is a great example of Democrats not giving a shit about black people organizing in their class interest.
Jackson asking Donald Trump to send the National Guard into the streets against Antifa is not.
Besides, it would take a half-hour Zoom meeting to avoid the whole issue and at least look like you’re trying.
If the Democrats had stood up Jackson as a prop and pretended to care, this sub would be ripping on them for that, too.
Understanding that Biden doesn’t give a shit doesn’t mean you need to indulge the GOP kabuki theater.
he made a video saying, “okay Trump out now what? that’s gonna happen on day 1, what’s next” Cube is based af
Except when he starts posting weird anti-Semitic stuff (I know that guardian article is shit but it’s the only source I found since Cube deleted the tweet)
If he deleted it maybe he had a really stupid moment and didn’t realize it was anti-semitic when he posted it
I don’t know this is probably a cope I just don’t want Ice Cube to be racist
This is why Public Enemy was the superior group.