Just spoke to my mom who is a centrist liberal and never talks to me about politics. she said “I don’t think I’m going to be voting. I feel sick to my stomach about both these two.”
Two of the easiest elections in the history of this country and the dems just blew em both.
I think the anti-Trump vote barely existed in 2016, it exists now. So Biden could still pull it off, he is still favored IMO.
Wasn’t Hillary’s whole campaign anti-Trump and girl bosses who were anti-Trump anyways?
Yes, but there wasn’t much of an anti-Trump vote in swing states. The people who hated both candidate hugely split for Trump and won him the election. It will be the opposite this time.
I don’t trust people to vote for a candidate because they don’t like the other one. I’ve never seen it be a winning strategy.
Either way we will continue to take it to the streets and fuck the police.
You’d be hard pressed to find any credible institution who’s opinion isn’t that Biden will win.
I’m convinced that Biden is going to win for two reasons:
Facebook and Twitter covered up that Hunter story in a matter of hours. Why do this unless the oligrachs have chosen Biden as their puppet?
Fining people for not being able to afford for-profit health insurance during a pandemic is peak America.
I love that the individual mandate is the hill that Biden is trying to die on. It’s already been struck down by a 5-4 conservative Supreme Court (and will be challenged almost immediately if if passes to go up against a 6-3 SC), it’s extremely unpopular, and it’s just downright cruel. The perfect encapsulation of Third Way democrat policy.
Yeah, that is just going to make Obamacare even more hated than it already was; setting the stage for the next firebrand fascist to talk about healthcare, who will likely take M4A up and turn it into a twisted and warped version like ‘Medicare For Americans’ and will be part of their winning platform in 2024.
This is wishful thinking. The next firebrand fascist won’t even bother with anything like that because they don’t have any competition or pressure. The 1930s fascists had pressure from the Communists as well as just a more conscious working class in general. An analogy for our situation would be if the Weimar Republic banned the KPD all together and the SPD was a fringe movement (like the DSA/justice Dems are right now)
Private health insurance is far too valuable as a disciplinary tool for Capital to ever give up that battle. The thought of Medicare for All is scarier than card check or rent control for business owners. It’s up there with a public bank and a government housing program in terms of “send in the CIA for a coup”.
Facebook and Twitter covered up that Hunter story in a matter of hours.
Ya but as a result it proliferated even further because of it
My mom is pro-allende and she just wants Trump to win to see the meltdown of the democrats