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I’ve been seeing friends on social media posting pictures from fucking Disney for months. Adult Disney fans are psychotic. There’s a pandemic and you can’t miss riding a rollercoaster you’ve ridden dozens of times for a few goddamn months? Holy shit I’ve only left my apartment for groceries since mid-March and I don’t even have roommates. It’s depressing af, but this is how we gotta be to save lives. What’s this all been for when we’ve had psychopaths congregating all this time for frivolous shit. There have been 2 reasons this entire pandemic that it’s justified to congregate in any capacity:
- Going to work since the US has left people out to dry and are forcing them into unsafe working conditions just to survive.
- Protesting this fascist government
“Personal responsibility” as the solution to everything is a bullshit concept pushed by rightwing psychos and this is proof why. When push comes to shove a lot of people are so goddamn vapid that they can’t imagine denying themselves the slightest pleasure as a means of helping others. God it hurts seeing my friends do this shit. Disney parks should be bulldozed and replaced with housing and public parks.
Adult disney people are the closest thing to real world zombies that we have.
My buddy has a Disney savings account just for trips to Disney World. It’s the only place he goes. We do not talk about it
bulldoze? nah. just require that if youre over the age of twenty and going to a disney park, you have to be personally accompanied by a child.
since the whole point of that shit outside of making obscene amounts of money is supposed to be the enrichment of childhood.
taking your child to a crowded venue in the middle of a pandemic? thats a reckless endangerment, we’re gonna need to investigate your suitablity as a parent
TW: Childhood trauma
In fifth grade we had a week on job interviews. Some large firm corporate hiring manager talked to our entire class in the school auditorium before we were sent home to “work on our resumes”.
A few days later he returned to do mock job interviews with the class, I remember being so nervous that my resume wasn’t impressive enough compared to my classmates that I vomited before going to school and then a second time at school when I saw all the nicely organized resumes and fancy clothes the other students had dressed in to prepare for the interview.
I had on an ugly long sleeve shirt to cover the bruises from where my step brothers would hit me every evening when I got home from school.
After the mock interview the man gave me the “blunt critique” that I needed to present myself better if I wanted to get a job.
hiring manager talked to our entire class in the school auditorium before we were sent home to “work on our resumes”
neoliberal subjectivity for kids leads to mental illness, read Mark Fisher.
he man gave me the “blunt critique”
(Stalin eye lasers) SHUT THE FUCK UP KULAK
What kind of fucking dystopian ass late capitalism shit is this?
Actually, now that you mention it, this has kinda woken up some memory deep in my brain where I can vaguely recall our elementary or middle school class having some mock job fair/resume building seminar. I can’t really remember all that much but it feels like it happened.
I just received word that a fellow worker has just died. She was like another grandmother to me, and I just feel really torn up about her passing.
Usually I have more words to say, something knowledgeable. I just feel lost and sad. I miss her. I’ve missed her for months. Last time I was properly able to see her was last christmas, she was jewish so she didn’t celebrate, but she would invite queer people in the community who didn’t have families over. I wish I was able to see her again. Fuck this virus. Fuck this capitalist system we live in.
tfw my dad hanging up mid call again because he thinks you can just get raises and doesn’t understand you just cant get a raise these days
Tfw company is experiencing record profits but step increases get cut because “we’re all in this together”