Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
Kinda story kinda question; mostly rambling:
My Opa (dad’s dad) is from Germany; Eschborn, near Frankfurt), he moved to Australia when he was 19 and worked on the Nullabor Plains railway tracks. He met Nan, got citizenship here after Nan and him tried to live in Germany. Nan said she disliked it because she had to dry the clothes inside as it was too cold in Winter to hang them out haha.
Anyway, Opa, being born and raised in Germany, would use German sayings and idioms around his kids and us grandkids, especially when we were children. If we were all over the place, running around being menaces, he’d whistle one super fkn loud whistle and we’d all stop dead. He still does it when he wants our attention to take a photo haha! He also would herd us around saying “raus raus!” and it’s so ingrained in me that I say it to the cat when it gets under my feet lol. I also say “danke schön” a lot IRL instead of “thank you”; it just sounds nicer to me heh.
So, I was wondering, are there any sayings you say often that are from another language? Like curses or exclamations? I’m tipsy and curious 😅
I’m starting a new puzzle. It looks moderately difficult.
Remember this song folks
Well I don’t know what I expected from the final episode of And Just Like That but I’m glad I didn’t renew my Binge subscription for it…
Animal, mineral, physical, spiritual
I’m the one you need, I’m the one you need 🎶