The 60 needed to break McConnell’s automatic, default filibuster included conservative independent Joe Lieberman, Republican Arlen Spector who switched parties to help Democrats, Ted Kennedy who had cancer, Robert Byrd who was hospitalized for several months, and Al Franken who wasn’t allowed to start until July due to recount challenges.
I wonder why they didn’t pass universal health care, cap and trade energy policy, making PR and DC states, voter reform etc. Come on. McConnell wanted to block everything so people would blame the democrats for failure and it worked on you.
What an absolute cope. If at this point you still think the Democratic Party wants to help people in good faith you are an absolute clown. The greatest lib strategy of all time is do nothing and then blame Republicans.
Newsflash: Both parties represent capital.
I want to know who the 3 people are who upvoted this. Show yourself libs.
I wonder why they didn’t pass universal health care, cap and trade energy policy, making PR and DC states, voter reform etc.
Because they didn’t want to and they still don’t want to. If you couldn’t tell from the primaries, Democrat leaders don’t want universal healthcare or worthwhile action on climate change. Like, I can’t even believe you are arguing something different. They have explicitly said so, repeatedly.
OK, so why haven’t they filibustered any of McConnells stuff?