here is the link, its locked by the way beware of the quasi-fascists that are the western europeans
edit: its really easy to attract the islamophobes in this chat
I don’t think they’re protesting anything. I think they’re trying to provoke confrontation with all muslims because they’re racist and cruel and view themselves as being victimized by all muslims instead of just the extremist killers.
except shitting on Christians doesn’t hurt them because they aren’t oppressed by society.
I don’t want to pretend like racism is only something that happens in the states, but because it is reddit we’re talking about, I do wonder how much of the subscribers are actually Europeans, and now much are American fascists with marble statue fetishes.
Have you met Europeans though? Just mention Roma people anywhere on reddit and time how long it takes for Europeans to leap out from hiding and tell you how their uncle’s watch was stolen in Budapest in 1986.
Oh, yeah, I know.
But I remember that sub kinda being, maybe not overtaken, so much as infested, years back, by American racists who think they’re European because their great great great grandfolks came from Holland or wherever.
Well hating Muslims is all the rage now, hating Roma has taken a back seat to that.
Though the whole Roma issue is very complex because there is indeed tons of crime (mostly petty crime and drugs) coming out of these communities and they are extremely marginalised. Their way of life means that they are almost impossible to integrate. That shouldn’t be a serious issue, since we can just agree to live different. But it makes helping them very hard sometimes. My friend worked at a hospital here, there were lots of Roma children ending up there with various infections, and almost none of them had done any vaccines at all, so doctors gave them all the important vaccines they could for as long as they would stay in the hospital because chances were they were never going to see them again. So yeah, it is a really bad situation and it got worse after the cops dumped all sorts of drugs in their communities during the 90s. I know in other countries things are better but it’s just a really tough problem even without all the insane racism against them.
I can’t speak about reddit, i mostly avoid it these days, but the fash are really crawling out of the woodwork in Europe rn. I see lots and lots of comments about how we should stop differentiating between Islam in general and violent extremism, and how we need more drastic solutions and should stop being so pc. They’re very short of openly advocating for genocide, or for starting another war.
This is in Germany, btw. Where chuds used to have a raging hate boner for Macron, and where nazis still think that you should only drive to France in a tank. Now the same nazis post “vive la France, i stand with Macron” unironically.
i’m not fine with this. I’m a former Muslim living in a Muslim country, i’m absolutely not okay with drawing a cartoon being a death flag. And i’m not fine with leftists allowing the right to take over this “conversation” like this. I’m not okay with normalizing the respect of stupid religious rules by force over non-muslims.
I get you sympathize with French Muslims because in that specific context it’s punching down but people in Muslim countries have been assaulted, jailed or killed for less. This is not about drawing Mohamed per se, Shia Muslims do it and have done it for 1400 years, it’s about criticizing him . showing him in an unflattering light.
That’s what they’re angry about. You literally can’t talk leftism here without tip-toeing around Mohamed’s legacy. Feminism? property rights? religious and sexual minorities? Once they invoke the religion card you have 70% of people against you.
the better approach in my view is that leftists talk about this, instead of unfairly bashing outraged people and pushing them into the right wing. You can both understand extremism is born out of material conditions, that Muslims are currently france’s scapegoat for it’s economic troube and believe religious criticism is a right.
I’m gonna start by saying that I have never drawn Mohammed, and never have any intention of doing so, and things like the OP are pointlessly upsetting people for no reason.
I will also mention that I was raised in a non-religious household where the only rule that was ever really give to me was “anything is okay to do as long is it doesn’t hurt others”.
That said, I also do not like the idea of letting a religion impose its will on non-believers simply because it’s “marginalised” is kind of scary and would not lead us down a good road.
I get where it’s coming from, and the government itself should certainly not be partaking in the antagonism, but come on. You should not be fucking killed for doing anything like this and some people here seem to take a strange amount of glee from this event.
Yeah my only issue with this whole saga is the French government’s emotionally manipulative spin to this. A government should never take part in antagonising a minority at the best of times, let alone use it as a lightning rod for social and economic dysfunction. I guess a smart politician never lets a good crisis go to waste.
People who are used to making fun of religion aren’t wrong to feel outrage that someone got killed gruesomely over it. We’re not Muslim, we shouldn’t have to observe Islamic rules.
I just need to reiterate that any leftist who takes it seriously would be delusional to think they won’t have to face Mohamed’s legacy at some point. Which necessitates criticising him, and people will be angry and the Muslim right wing fascists bank on it. But it has to happen regardless.
nobody here is saying that we can’t criticize islam. we are upset that people are targeting an oppressed group because one of them murdered someone. We don’t do this when christian commit hate crimes.
I would never blame a European for not caring what happens in Malaysia. People have limited time and energy to care. And obviously the threat close home matters most.
Hell I don’t care what happens in the US or EU unless it possibly concerns Arabs and I don’t expect foreigners to follow our local news. That’s not a sign of hypocrisy.
On principle alone drawing Mohamed isn’t wrong and no one should have to observe religious teachings they don’t believe in.
Imagine being 2000s atheist and actually sticking with the dawkins crowd as they devolved into open islamophobia. like, holy shit, religion is bad we get it stfu.
beware of the quasi-fascists that are the western europeans
This is quasi-fascists that are the eastern europeans erasure.