My dumbass thought going to bed at 21:45 would lead me to be well rested tomorrow, instead I’m here at 01:40 after taking a midnight shower and changing all my bedsheets. Gonna just call in sick to my school when the morning comes and rest. Corona has it so I don’t need a goddang doctors note to avoid it adding to my 10%.
Anyways, hows all of your days going?
I found out recently that my fucked up sleep schedule that happens every so often is actually a form of insomnia. I wake up at like 02:00 or so, bright eyed and bushy tailed. It sucks ass.
It’s 3am and I’m really tired, so meh
My partner is having some insomnia right now because they switched their meds up. It sucks. Melatonin helps if you can get it. Take extra time before bed, maybe have a chamomile tea.
I don’t think I have either of those things in the house, besides time I guess.
Also, I’m fairly sure it would be mighty difficult to get hold of something like melatonin where I live, our medicine regulations are quite strict.
Hang in there, fam
I did exactly the same thing as you, except i haven’t left my bed since I woke up. I think I will listen to the new cushvlog while trying to fall asleep again