I’ve been Townsend-posting in my friend groups to help them take the the grillpill
I love this video because you think it’s going to be some grand recipe but they literally just stick an onion into the oven like it’s a potato and it looks fucking amazing
Exactly, I always liked onions, but I’d never tried them like this. I couldn’t believe how ridiculously simple this “recipe” was, I tried it, and was blown away. I could literally have this as my whole meal, and I’d be satisfied, it’s incredibly simple and good.
I made one, tasted pretty good but your shit/farts will smell like onions all day
If we’re doing self care through rural/cabin/pastoral/primitive/oldtime/etc posting then here’s some other good channels:
Dianxi Xiaoge - Woman in the Tibetan mountains prepares various foods and interacts with her family/neighbors:
Mrs Crocombe -Victorian woman cooks things. Set in a Victorian manor, but still cozy.
Same channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tITKqXklwBU
Tudor Cookery - A guy cooks in the 16th century
Modern History TV - Guy does history around Medieval stuff, including food:
Timeline Documentary - Several feature length vids on period food:
Roman - https://youtu.be/dIxJLOMoV2k
Medieval - https://youtu.be/tTXKAYO6Z80
Medieval Pub - https://youtu.be/rs35U2Rk3S0
Renaissance - https://youtu.be/DJVZXCribQs
Enlightenment - https://youtu.be/8JA5oFSa9Ec
French Revolution - https://youtu.be/rbmqyguO3-g
Michael Twitty - Culinary historian who covers African American food history. Doesn’t have his own channel but he does a lot of interviews.
Preservation in Early VA - Two women talk about food preservation in the frontier
If anyone has any suggestions on historic food, primitive food, etc I’ll take it. I wish there were more Townsend-like stuff for other cultures.
self care through rural/cabin/pastoral/primitive/oldtime/etc
fascists go outside you dorks
Love that they made a video on the orange fool (a kind of old-timey drink), and got ass tons of hatemail cause everyone thought it was about the dang cheeto
Roasted garlic is also good. Gets soft and you can spread it on crackers. The smell will come out your pours for hours tho
Not what I’d do in a cabin, but go off. :a-guy: