Get up early to vote early because I have other shit to do today. Wait in the cold for a half hour. Get up to the front of the line only to be told that my polling site had been moved for my assembly district, and my assembly district only, this morning, with no notice except a little-ass paper sign that was folded in half by the wind. As the poll worker ushered me outside a bird took a truly gigantic dump all over me. Covered in partially wiped off bird shit, go to the correct polling site. I wrote in La Riva. So glad to participate in the glorious democratic process.
My voting story: set the alarm for 6:30 because I want to minimize exposure. Wake up at 7:30. the alarm suppressed my vote. Ah well nevertheless.
Finicky crop that requires specific conditions and a lot of resources to grow, all of which will be impossible to do at scale once the climate gets worse
Coffee poops are a myth, it’s just a morning poop.
Edit: Downvote me, you’ll only be downvoting a man
Voting stories in a civilised state aren’t interesting. My ballot arrived in the mail along with a book about the candidates. I let it sit there for a week because I wanted to see if the libs would throw out any real policy bone to the left. Joe the Rapist repeated that he wants to shoot civil rights marchers in the leg, so I voted for PSL and dropped it off at a municipal building. It was accepted that night. #resistance
What if it’s the national bird of the US, the reaper drone? :obama-drone:
That’s good to hear, we’ll make sure to add a nice card to the 6000$ sent to your family as compensation for your accidental killing.
Hear hear! PSL should make good gains this election
Imagine calling yourself a socialist and voting for Rapey Joe