You got 720p,1080p, 4k. More pixels. Doesnt take a fuckin brain genius to figure out if your tv’s picture looks better because of course it does, and you don’t gotta do anything to get it to work. but they realized that past 4k, shit ain’t gonna look much better for the cost. so what do they do? more colors per pixel. only problem is color settings on tvs suck. tv manufactures handle this like dogshit. so now you gotta spend 30 minutes before watching a movie cause your fuckin tv automatically changes the setting from time to time for no fuckin reason. all this just to get slightly more colors. it’s not even that noticeable. i fuckin hate HDR. i fuckin hate tv manufacturers.
the shining’s still a beautiful movie but fuck me did i not notice the HDR one bit.
I’ve been thinking about hardware in landfills a lot and how fucking stupid that is on both an environmental and economical level.
I think there should be a large deposit in place on tech items, something like 15-25% of the cost, that you are refunded when you bring the item you are replacing back to a distributor who either has to resell it or move it on to an actual recycling plant.
This would increase the used market dramatically, lowering the bar of entry into higher-tech, or at least a lot of the components could be reused.
Obviously private reselling would still be a way people move on old goods, but this would make it so broken or unwanted items could end up somewhere besides a landfill and there would be motivation on the part of the owner to actually bother to do it.
A huge amount of the tech that gets thrown away is only very slightly broken and I think this would eliminate a lot of that waste.
My last three laptops were pulled out of the top of the pile at my dump, I just grabbed them at random on a random day and it took next to nothing to fix them.
I also think the whole industry should be nationalized (globalized?) so everything can be standardized and we can slow down the constant replacement culture. But this last idea is impossible under capitalism.
The first one is totally doable though and I think would make a fairly big difference.
Yeah a reformation of the recycling industry would need to be done as well for most of this to work.
But there’s a ton of actually good tech that ends up in the pile as well that takes next to nothing to refurbish.
Hey remember when the TV manufacturers pushed 3D TV?
There are few games I notice any substantial difference with HDR on vs off.
I will say however, check out Ori and the Blind Forest: Will of the Wisp with HDR on. God damn is that not the most beautiful damn colorful HDR experience I have ever seen. Absolutely worth it just for that. Besides, its a new standard, no one should go out and buy a new tv just for HDR. Buy it because it can provide a better experience, sure, in whatever fashion you’d like it to do that. Just don’t waste money thinking its some selling point apart from a couple of games and the possibility of new amazing experiences.
Put in custom mode instead of auto.
HDR is good.