He likes the perception of power more than power itself. He declares victory, gets it ‘stolen’ and then is ‘forced’ to leave. He then starts a media company or something.
He’ll lose MI, WI, and AZ. That’s enough to tip Biden over the edge
The true showmanship move would be “well, if you’re going to cheat, I’m not even going to play” and go home. Then Trump will literally become too pure for decadent America and things get reeeeeeeal bad.
If he was actually a smart fascist this is what he would do. It would be far easier for them to recruit if they maintained some false semblance of moral high ground and continued to paint Biden as a “degenerate” and also having the subtext of a woman of color in power to draw on that same Obama racial resentment that propelled shit like the Tea Party into power in the first place. Even if he doesn’t seize that opportunity I fully expect the actual fascists to run with that sort of narrative if Biden wins.
Except for his fathers love.
Also I don’t think he will ever admit defeat. I don’t see him willingly leaving the Presidency.
It’s easy to forget but there’s a voiceless mass who hate their landlords, their bosses, the banks, the corporations. Liberals just think these things need to be tweaked a little. There are people who’ve been burned by capitalism hard, if a solid base can be built out of even a fraction of them then real ground can be made.
he will probably make a backend deal that they will pardon him and his fam and he will go away without discrediting the whole system
it’s not enough without Nevada!
oh, I guess he’s up by 8k votes now in NV. we’ll see