Well at least this will be intersting to watch…we’ve got to pour gas on this fire XD Let them fight their “team”'s puppets, we can fight ours, share the work and they won’t even realize they’re liberating themselves. “Oh no, I’m being a worker! I’m being a commoner! Nooo!! Muh privlege!!” There’s literally no way we can’t manipulate them by just saying Trump said this and Trump wanted that. Angry, ignorant, and hate the power…sounds like a bunch of useful tools to me
She told her to read theory lmao
Good shit
Watching them break ranks is bizarre. The left knife fights fucking constantly so it’s not as jarring.
i just got a new dab pen before this election so I’m feeling very much like that guy from the meme where the two girls are punching each other
except for when I see stupid lib takes then I’m just mad and high