Hmmmmmm. The fact they have to explicitly say this is not exactly reassuring
A guy who owns an AI company that relies on collecting data about everything wants to pay me in company scrip is harvesting bio-metrics from the global south?
Sounds on the up-and-up. I don’t know why more people aren’t doing it. It doesn’t sound like a plot from Brosnan Bond movie.
At first I didn’t really know what to think of Altman besides him being a run of the mill tech porky, but once I realized he was ALSO the worldcoin guy, well fuck him extra.
I have seen him around for years on hacker news. I always thought of him as Samalt Man. I thought it was odd when he was made CEO of Ycombinator (didn’t seem like he was experienced enough so it seemed like a weird choice, but Paul Graham was enthusiastic). I always had this odd feeling that he was not to be trusted.
My ‘safe for eyes’ orb has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my orb.
We did not invent the orb. The orb consistently finds Jesus. The orb killed Jeeves. The orb is banned in China. The orb is from Jersey. The orb constantly finds Jesus. This is not the orb. This is close.