Something, something sexualization of breasts.
I still like cleavage though.
Clothing is a social construct. If people didn’t have decades of conditioning, we could all be naked when it’s 95° and 100% humidity.
Yeah I love sunburn over 95% of my body and my sweaty nuts slapping all over the place
You’d sweat less with no clothes on, your aired out balls would be much less swampy.
everyone, man woman and child, should wear burqas
I fucking love neckties they’re so fukin cute when you just got em on your neck
collars are bullshit tho
If you think breasts can be desexualized you haven’t been paying attention
I don’t know if this is a bit but it’s not about desexualization. It’s about not sexualizing things in the first place. We don’t need to desexualize anything. We just need to tell prudes to fuck off and do whatever we want. At the same time, fear of sexuality is a huge issue for most people. Fucking protestant culture ruined everything.
As we know, protestants were the first to get all up in people’s business. That shit didn’t exist pre reformation. I swear people here just insert “Protestant” whenever they want to talk about some kind of social development as some sort of reflex.
Within reason. There was that struggle session on Twitter a while ago about that couple doing kink roleplaying in a mall food court and I still come down on the side of “keep that shit at home or somewhere else where that’s acceptable like a club”. People were trying to argue that it was akin to holding hands or kissing. That’s an extreme example, and I agree America has way to many hangups about sex in general, but the lengths people were going to defend it were strange.
Obviously there’s a time and place for everything. Pretty much everyone aside from real nymphos stops being horny at some point. I feel like a lot of kink culture has arisen because of the intense repression, though, as a sort of opposition. I wonder what a world with little to no hangups with sex would be like? Maybe just like any other activity you do with friends?
Fucking protestant culture ruined everything.
That’s the point, it’s so ingrained you’re not getting that shit out, despite how much better it would be for everyone psychologically
for some people showing cleavage is pretty much inevitable