if I wanted to start shit I’d accuse this of being a form of ableism
It kind of is, though? I’m autistic, I have sensory issues. I don’t want certain things to be intense to the point of being painful and unpleasant, but that’s the hand I was dealt. It’s a strange feeling to come here of all places and see people shitting on something I can’t change.
You’re probably reading too much into it, Mao was a very sarcastic dude and said a lot of stuff like this.
Irony? Did somebody say irony? Oh boy, I love irony!
(By indirectly criticizing over-ironic ironybros by engaging in irony myself, I am actually being meta-ironic. (By ironically criticizing my own irony, I am actually becoming post-ironic as it is no longer possible to tell whether I’m being ironic or not.))
Yeah I get the “white ppl can’t handle spice haha” meme and it’s funny and all, but like, capsaicin is literally just pure pain in my mouth and I will never enjoy that
Communist with a capsaicin allergy:
This brought a smile to my face, I love those face-melting red thingies!
I legit got an esophageal ulcer because I was making my chili too hot. :/