Let’s put aside that vaccines being researched in capitalist countries are heavily funded by the public, and all the capitalist system is doing is allowing a small group of people to profit off a publicly funded public good.
Cuba has 11 million people and yet they’re in the race to find a vaccine. What kind of a mind fuck would it be if Cuba produces a vaccine? How much would this boost the reputation of socialism and what can be done if social good was a motive for innovation over profit and greed?
“Actually, Cuba is a state capitalist country, so that vaccine is proof of-”
that’s when I punch them in the face.
Cuba making the cure would be pretty “Poggers” as we G*mers would say.
“Cuba’s ambitions may be challenged when researchers are ready to launch late-stage trials. Vaccines are more easily tested in places with rampant virus spread, but Cuba’s transmission rate is very low, with just about 500 confirmed active cases.” - Suffering from Success