That transphobe that was posting ended his reign by assuring everyone how much of a big man he was over and over again.
Why is it so easy?
I assume the toxic communities they are part of just hammer in the idea of how much they suck, but I don’t get why the keep going back and doubling down if it makes them feel so shitty about themselves.
It’s a weird relationship these guys have with themselves and their “ideology”. Is there any way to get through to that kind of dissonance?
Also respect and love to trans comrades. Sorry people fucking suck.
Because their ideology doesnt address the existential nothingness they experience. As such rehashing that which hurts them most, a lack of being loved/seen, is the way they know how to try and hurt someone but alas we are supported here and ones humanity is intrinsically supported in a communist ideology resulting in both ineffectual brigading and insecurity.
Yet another instance of their inferiority, that and, :le-pol-face:
Also as proven by zizek in his debate against Peterson communism yields a happier existence, and as proven by many studies communists are more sexually satisfied so jealousy is a factor. All that can be done is to bully them into introspection in hope they will seethe error of their paradigm.
I’m gonna need a source on that communists getting more sexual satisfaction. I got more lefty right around when I got into my first relationship.
That and I think they read being considerate of others as being overly fragile snowflakes. So they think you just have to hurl insults and it will break us, when the reality is being considerate means you’re stronger as a group and know that you don’t have to take some random asshole seriously because everyone else has your back. So instead of having any negative effect what actually happens is that within an hour of them being banned it’s already been turned into pasta.
That is a very well-worded explanation of this phenomenon. Thank you comrade.
Everything will be commodified, even human life.
that’s why you always attack their masculinity, especially as a queer person. lean into their attacks on your masculinity (or femininity, I guess - that was a new one) and just attack the shit they really care about and can’t really fight back on - like being able to get their dicks up in order to post hog.
edit: if you’re cishet, pretend to be gay. they have no answer to “we think your insults are good things. actually”.
Oh yeah i get it. It’s just always surprising how well it works. Like 100% of the time they start losing their minds as soon as their masculinity comes into play.
There’s just not many psychological assurances out there in my experience. But if you’re talking to a CHUD you can almost guarantee that they will fucking explode at the idea that you aren’t intimidated by their physical prowess.
they will fucking explode at the idea that you aren’t intimidated by their physical prowess.
The type of chud brigading places online is never physically intimidating anyway lol.
fash even more so. like as you move right on the spectrum, the less you can tolerate attacks to the constructed identities you hold core to yourself.
Getting white supremacists to talk about which ethnicities are considered white causes struggle sessions that make the left look like we are always holding hands and singing kumbaya. I honestly wonder how many chuds have killed each other over that discussion lol
It’s legitimately fascinating to me. I can’t even imagine trying to hold onto ideas that are so hurtful to my own psyche.
Edit: ideological ideas at least. Things you can change.
Obviously mental illness plays a factor in inescapable thoughts and ideas as well, but I don’t think that’s the case with a lot of these guys.
Seriously. If you’re arguing with a chud and getting nowhere (not that there’s anywhere to get) it’s hilarious to try and reframe any political thing in terms of masculinity, ie not being a pussy. Like whenever they bring up Ilhan Omar purportedly marrying her brother so that they could all move to the US as refugees, I go “Oh, so you would just let Big Government split up your family?? What kind of man lets his family get split up because of whatBig Government says?” etc
if you’re cishet, pretend to be gay. they have no answer to “we think your insults are good things. actually”.
i do this when people start getting toxic while playing video games and you can see their brains break in real time lmao
Since moving over here from reddit I legitimately have been having a better outlook on things and have started to actually seek help with some mental problems.
So thanks for that comrades.
Is there any way to get through to that kind of dissonance?
Scapegoating is an easy way to feel better about one’s own shitty life choices being the reason they are a failure.