Can’t believe I used to think this guy was cool. What is it with auth-left people and COVID denialism? Red Kahina is obsessed with it too.
Edit:does anyone know if he’s associated with a specific party? I’d like to learn more about his ridiculous ideas.
phil greaves has to be a psyop. he’s just three fbi agents and an adam curtis soundtrack.
I thought it would be simple covid denialism, but no, my man is denying the germ theory of disease. That’s some galaxy brain shit right here. I don’t think even most anti-vaxxers go that far.
Lmao he blocked me in less than 30 seconds after retweeting this
PCM language is :haram:
I said auth-left because I just don’t know what else to call him. Is he a Trot? Pretty sure he’s not a Maoist. I didn’t want to call him a Tankie because that word just gets thrown around too much.