I’m an anarchist, so I don’t even like Mao and Stalin, but I’m tired of this black-book bullshit.
EDIT: here’s the data “source”
Sometimes I find it deeply demoralizing that people just swallow this shit so easily. Like, genuinely how do you combat that outright level of fucking laziness?
I sometimes struggle for direction on how to approach this given that fascists and anti-communist propagandists can just regurgitate Black Book horseshit (as in they can just fucking lie) and have it accepted uncritically, but I have to turn in some fucking perfectly sourced essay and also be in the comments to respond to every malformed critique otherwise what I say against the lie is immediately dismissed, if it wasn’t dismissed already for taking too long to read.
Audie Murphy killed more people than the Golden State Killer. I know which one I regard as evil. Actually, remake the meme with that, various serial killers’ kill counts and then Audie Murphy’s.
I feel you on this. The problem is the propaganda is just so thoroughly ingrained, if you start talking about the black book or whatever in my experience people just tune out or assume you’re a conspiracy theorist. And it’s like, you can still be an anti-communist and not believe these obviously made-up numbers, but people don’t think that way
Not to lean into sounding conspiratorial, but I sometimes feel like capitalists deliberately make shit sound cartoonishly evil just so you sound like a conspiracy clown when you try to tell people about it (like the Shadow app in the Iowa caucus, or the Black Book ooooh! spoooky!).
There is pushback in the comments these days - just scroll down in that thread. Yeah it still sucks and is garbage that stuff like this gets visibly upvoted, but pushback in the comments would’ve been unheard of just a few years ago. I think that definitely gives the left something to work with, and that there has been some, albeit very small, progress made in recent years.
You joke but their (american/french and british capitalists) super profits relied on the existence of those Chinese children dying in the streets and the opium addicts bodies being collected by special crews of street cleaners every morning
In US after Mao came to power they oft talked of “how could the US lose China?”
How much of the 1.6 million in DPRK was the US killing 20% of the population
i believe that 1.6m figure is trying to count the purges as a mark between 700k and 3m estimates. they use it all the time. and he really did purge a lot after the war he only really trusted the guerillas he fought with to be in government. the war deaths is some other number 3-6m or whatever
My thing with Mao is that, sure, the Great Leap Forwards down the stairs was a failure, but it’s incredibly disingenuous to say that Mao “murdered” those people.
Didn’t Japan kill like 10 million Chinese civilians alone, or something like that?
I can’t be bothered to fact check this, cause I’ve done it before and it’s always wrong. But just a short wiki search shows that allies had over 61,000,000 total deaths, while Axis only had around 12 million dead. On this list, Germany and Japan together have 20 million kills, so where are the other 2/3 of that number? Did Italy kill 40 million people?
It seems like this person is attributing every soldier killed on the Axis side to the Soviet Union, while not doing the same thing for Germany and Japan. I wonder why that is… hmmm.
Thing is, socialists are expected give fully researched dissertations with citations and everything to defend giving people healthcare while the right wing can just spout this garbage and people eat it up
It takes way more humility and intellectual honesty to accept new ideas than it does to just keep believing what you’ve been taught.