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I was commenting stuff like this under the pre-election panic posts and y’all were downvoting, I’M VINDICATED NOW which doesn’t mean jack shit to anyone.
Yeah honestly I expected more lone wolf attacks than what happened. But, like, there was no way anything huge would happen, or that a coup would happen, or anything like that.
I was saying this too and the fucking libs everywhere were downvoting and saying “hE’s A fAsCiSt” and it was totally going to happen.
Y’all mfers were really about to call for another shitty twitter general strike FOR JOE BIDEN LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Bunch of fucking Cody Johnsons. Libs til you die
What do you mean? This?
Other than that all your posts are positively upvoted except for one about STEM lords or something.
the AFL-CIO in multiple states was talking about strikes, so fuckoff.
You aren’t clever for parasocially parroting matt and acting smug about it.
not a general strike, stop getting your rocks off from twitter. You’re on my post idiot
The whole “new civil war” hysteria pushed by people like the It Could Happen Here podcast and r/socialistra is very sus imo. It seems very obvious that the ruling class would love for the far right and “extreme” left to violently fight it out. They could then clamp down super hard and be able to point at these homegrown terrorists as the reason. My main fear is the feds doing more things like the michigan kidnapping plot. Almost gladio style attacks.
Or like how 40% of the KKK were paid FBI informants. Basically backdoor funding and steering of right wing groups by the feds (second video in this thread)
Matt’s comments about people voting for Biden to “turn the volume down” is also extremely astute and extremely important when it comes to reaching out to people.
The entire organized Left is dominated by people with severe depression and anxiety, and this creates a feedback loop. Normal people aren’t persuaded or inspired to take action by being told that the world is awful and death is certain, any day now. They mentally shut down or write you off as a crazy person. You only appeal to fellow losers and broken brains, which makes the problem worse.
Most people’s political desires fundamentally are “leave me alone”. You can spin this in a Marxist way, because Capital ultimately does not leave anyone alone, but you have to meet the people where they are to an extent. Screaming and yelling, even if it’s completely valid and true, simply does not appeal to the great majority.
I honestly don’t ever find matt very astute. A lot of “normal people” already know the system is fucked, can’t be reformed and has to be burnt down. Any kind of revolutionary potential in the US is not to be found amongst the libs or the online left. The most historically oppressed people in the projects and reservations etc don’t generally want to “turn the volume down”.
IMO Matt is not worth listening to for this very reason. He only sees things thru this blinkered vision of twitter and rich podcasting friends. He has no understanding or connection to the masses who are becoming more and more fucked over everyday.
The most historically oppressed people in the projects and reservations etc don’t generally want to “turn the volume down”.
that’s not who he’s talking about voting for Biden
The comment I was replying to said that the left has trouble organizing basically because “normal people” are not sufficiently fed up with the system and they don’t like being told that “the world is awful”. My point is that a lot of people know full well that the world is awful and would not be shocked to be told so
His ideas about where things are going start out sounding fine but then they go off into nonsense territory real quick.
I have a hard time believing it’s going to morph towards everything being culture war bullshit when we’re experiencing 3-4 massive ongoing crises plus massive civil problems.
He has no understanding or connection to the masses who are becoming more and more fucked over everyday.
Matt isn’t talking to the masses. He’s taking to his rich podcaster friends and trying to actually help them understand what the masses are thinking (because he actually has family connections to “the masses” vs Felix and Will who live in a literal liberal media bubble).
A lot of things in podcast land make sense when you realize that the people making the podcast assume that the audience is literally “their friends”. There’s been times when it’s extremely obvious that a specific person is inspiring a specific argument/take that comes up, that’s how incestuous all this shit is.
Normal people are getting fucked over, but they do not want to hear some Leftist shriek and go insane over it. They literally just want the noise to go down and people to leave them alone. When you scream at them about how bad it is, the just associate you with yucky feelings, then don’t like you, and they don’t give a shit what you have to say.
My point is that if he is only talking to his rich podcaster friends, as you say, then why the fuck should I or any other working class person care or pay attention to him?
Matt is the literal embodiment of a shrieking leftist that does nothing to help the people (even though I’d guess he pulls in 10k a month from the podcast). And you are right people don’t want to be screamed at about how bad things are. They want real material change in their lives and as leftists our job is to be in the trenches with people, helping to give revolutionary form to these desires.
The entire organized Left is dominated by people with severe depression and anxiety
wrong, while mean days with poor mental health are higher among “the left” (which extremely liberal means here) it is not significantly higher than among libs or centrists. Also Leftists may well report higher rates of mental difficulties due to there being less stigma for it amongst them.
Or do you have any evidence for that claim besides gut feelings and anecdotes?
eh i’ve been feeling like that too. i feel this entire site is just a way for us lonely, depressed, anxious and powerless people to not be alone for a moment, or have a laugh at some meme, or hear some good news about evo or china or whatever and feel like things aren’t hopeless. maybe you could do a study of asking around for rates of depression/anxiety for the future around various internet forums and see the different between the leftier ones and others.
I don’t think this theory is completely accurate. When talking about “people voting for Biden” you can’t just forget and ignore the way the primaries happened. Bernie flopped but he also put tens of thousands on his rallies and had a significant volunteer movement. It wasn’t a campaign about modestly trying to convince people at all but constantly tell others what the source of the problems are from a sucdem perspective. Hack even for a moment Warren had some momentum and looked like a strong candidate and in some ways she was as obnoxious as Bernie.
Then we can even look back at 2016. Neither Hillary or Trump’s campaigns were modest at all. Indeed you’ll find Trump supporters were always extremely loud and obnoxious about their beliefs. Hillary? “Well why are you NOT going to vote for the first woman president in history it is her turn your know I’m with her!”(repeat 10x a day to random strangers).
There is definitely some truth to the idea that libs want(ed) normalcy back, but this isn’t ground breaking theory. Indeed this is exactly what we already knew about Biden from day 1. He was supposed to be Obama 2.0, to rally the guaranteed minority vote away from Bernie and use the eventual Obama support to just say “hey here is your chance to go back to 2015 and pretend the last 4 years didn’t happen.”
I think the reasons why actual socialists are unlikely to have electoral sucess is due to electorialism itself. We don’t have cable news networks and the ability to bombard millions and millions with propaganda every day in any western country. The reasons why the revolution is hard if not impossible are not just simply down to “people want normalcy” because that is very much not true.
Republicans built the Trump movement entirely around the idea America isn’t normal anymore and there is no returning to normal MAGA is about rebuilding not turning the clocks back to 2006 or 1985. Liberals do want to turn the clock back to 2015 but that is due to Trump’s image. In social economic terms again look at the Bernie campaign, a large number of people already understand the 2010’s is an economic nightmare and want none of it back again.
actually lately more west wing thing and the dollop. Funny stuff. :)
I still like Chapo, I just think Matt’s takes lately are ridiculous.
The far right people aren’t desperate enough to start anything. They have lifted trucks, good jobs, and nice homes. Why the fuck would they screw that up?
Their ideology is built on aesthetic and 99% of them won’t do jack shit.
They have lifted trucks, good jobs, and nice homes.
A lot don’t, though. Your chud jetski dealer isn’t going to put his life on the line, but your chud NEET living with his parents? Your chud chronically unemployed/underemployed low-wage worker? Your formerly-secure chud who is in financial trouble because of the pandemic? They’re not storming state capitol buildings guns blazing 50 strong, but we’ll certainly keep seeing low-level, sporadic acts of violence.
And of course all of this changes when a major natural disaster hits and “normal” is further disrupted for weeks or months.
If the left won, there absolutely would be spooks getting these people do do wild things.