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Still not ruling out lone wolf terrorism tho.
Lone Wolf terrorism is always gonna happen. It doesn’t matter where it is. People that want to cause terror will always be “radicalized” enough to do it.
Collectively, the Trumpets are (to use a Matt favored term) a “damp squib” collectively. They rally behind Trump because “he tells it like it is.” But collectively, they aren’t going to do shit. A lot of them are “well off” enough to where doing a revolution for their “god emperor” is pointless. Why possibly die just because they hate browns? They aren’t going to do that because then they lose their McMansions or trailers in the trailer parks and the “browns” will then move in. Unless Trump turns into a Bin Laden where he huffs his own farts and wants a “jihad” (for lack of a better term on it) on the Dems, they aren’t going to do anything because he isn’t a true-believer.
The only ones that will do shit are the ones that truly think he will do shit despite the loss. The crazies and those are (crossing fingers and toes while saying this) a tiny minority. Like, 1 in 10,000 or so.
I was commenting stuff like this under the pre-election panic posts and y’all were downvoting, I’M VINDICATED NOW which doesn’t mean jack shit to anyone.
I was saying this too and the fucking libs everywhere were downvoting and saying “hE’s A fAsCiSt” and it was totally going to happen.
Y’all mfers were really about to call for another shitty twitter general strike FOR JOE BIDEN LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Bunch of fucking Cody Johnsons. Libs til you die
What do you mean? This?
Other than that all your posts are positively upvoted except for one about STEM lords or something.
the AFL-CIO in multiple states was talking about strikes, so fuckoff.
You aren’t clever for parasocially parroting matt and acting smug about it.
not a general strike, stop getting your rocks off from twitter. You’re on my post idiot
Yeah honestly I expected more lone wolf attacks than what happened. But, like, there was no way anything huge would happen, or that a coup would happen, or anything like that.
If the left won, there absolutely would be spooks getting these people do do wild things.
I agree, no way it happens spontaneously.
But, based on how willing people are to die from their anti-lockdown astroturfing, if the oligarchs propagandize hard enough and provide some leaders to rally around and tell them what to do I think there would be enough, well not for a civil war, but to stir some real shit.
What does that even mean? We already have mass shootings, covid death, and austerity, and the occasional terror attack. How can this possibly get worse? Famine?
Good point, I guess I’m hypothesizing a transition from stochastic/random lone wolf attacks to coordinated actions/goals, like a Gladio strategy of tension sort of thing.
Though, as you say, they’d have to try pretty hard to make things obviously worse from our normal failing state events…
The conditions are present, but there is no reason for potential fascist financiers to try overthrowing the state. Under a Trump or Biden presidency, they still win.
If a social democrat or socialist manages to win the presidency at some point, civil war may actually happen. There would be a lot of money supporting it.
Right now, the “coup” attempt is driven solely by Trump’s grassroots support. They have no organizing experience at all. Their past four years have been watching Trump on TV. It is not going anywhere.
If we are in a situation where Blackwater, the moneyed interests which own city police, etc are motivated to overthrow the state, these Trump people will follow along. But these financiers are happy with Biden.
Worldwide famines will put the lives of millions at risk in 2021.
How can this possibly get worse?
Bet you were saying that 2 months ago when COVID wasn’t spreading uncontrolled everywhere.
what happens when theres no more football and the chickens 24 bucks?