I’m new to this whole vegan thing and I like my bones.
if you are brit, our flour is fortified with calcium by law, so bread and shit works
other than that, leafy greens (not spinach tho)
soy, rice, and oat milk
dried fruit
Welcome to the club! Now make sure you go tell everyone in your life that you’re vegan otherwise you’re not really vegan. I’m vegan btw.
Here’s a good primer on vegan sources of calcium (from the sidebar): https://www.theveganrd.com/vegan-nutrition-101/vegan-nutrition-primers/calcium-a-vegan-nutrition-primer/
Make sure to get vitamin D, most plant milks are fortified, but make sure yours is, some mushrooms also have vitamin D, and getting a little sunlight doesn’t hurt.
I hate to link to reddit dot com, but r slash veganfitness has good shit https://www.reddit.com/gallery/jvtuky