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Ben Franklin is, like, the only founding father I don’t think was utterly irredeemable scum
He was likely in a paedophile ring with Thomas Jefferson and Jefferson’s 14 year old slave-turned-wife, Sally. (She refused to come back from France with her kids for a reason.)
like, yes, line his slave owning rapist ass up against the wall with the rest, but have a hell of a conversation first. the kind of epic stylish dirtbag that reminds us why libs think they have value.
I got curious cause I knew Franklin wasn’t a plantation owner or anything, so I looked up his history. Apparently he had 7 slaves throughout his life, but later on he slowly transitioned to being an abolitionist. He was never on our guy John Brown’s level, and was apparently kinda wishy-washy about full abolition, though he was the president of the Pennsylvania Abolitionist Society. Doesn’t look like it was enough to save him from the wall, but he can be in the middle of the line instead of right up front I guess.
The Popular Front in Spain in the 1930s? I would say that was pretty successful. I think the Sandanistas were also a broad left coalition, but not sure though.
The Popular Front in Spain in the 1930s?
I mean, this most definitely did not work out, not really because left unity is idealist, but more because class collaborationism with the “progressive” bourgeoisie is counterproductive for fighting bourgeois reaction and fascism.
But was that the reason it didn’t work out? I mean, I feel like it really was a simple matter of fire power. The nationalists had the military plus a huge amount of support from Hitler. IIRC the Republicans could have stamped out the coup early on if the government had opened up the armory in Madrid to them sooner. Certainly, I don’t think a disunited left would have been more successful in Spain at that time.
The Popular Front in Spain in the 1930s?
Isn’t this literally the most cited example against left unity by pretty much everyone involved? The SocDems got couped by the communists, Trots & anarchists executed by the communists from the anti-ML side, and the anarchists fucked up and sucked shit at fighting a war, and the SocDems didn’t pursue any radical program from the ML side.
I would say that was pretty successful.
Stalin didn’t think so, the anarchists fucked everything up and every ML state took as line **since ** not to cooperate with anarchists anymore.
“The internet doesn’t matter” is a fascist narrative against the left. Of course the internet is important.
they don’t want people to take the internet seriously
they don’t want to be held to human standards on the internet, any threat to their virtual hate box provokes reaction, this is the last frontier for their open bigotry and they cherish it deeply
any sincerity is for “cringe SJWs”
We’re not on Reddit anymore. This is the fediverse. We can be normal people here instead of hateful ironic avatars.
I am a hateful ironic avatar because it is the only thing that staves off my desire to embrace the void.
I can sympathize comrade, but that has extremely bad vibes so I cannot upvote. Please take some time to reflect.
I will not. I have contracted vampirism and am no longer capable of reflection.
the thing is; left unity doesn’t necessarily mean working in lock step. let the M-L’s do what the M-L’s are best at. let the anarchists do what the anarchists are best at. as long as we’re all putting fascists up against walls, what’s the actual fucking problem?
Well, a single party is a tactic. Anarchists can’t scale up to a national level without organization, and at that point they aren’t really anarchists.
Ultimately we should work parallel to one another and maybe even adopt each other’s tactics. There’s a lot MLs can learn from Anarchists on direct action, for example
In earlier decades, I would’ve agreed. But the magnitude of what’s ahead of us is going to require a complete restructuring of entire global supply chains.
I’m not making a tendency argument here, but there is an unquestionable need to do something massive, and quickly. Not only is that gonna require us, it’s going to require, globally, hundreds of millions of people who currently don’t agree with any of our tendencies.
i think we all believe in good logistics. I think redundancy and creating local independent infrastructure is as important as creating fun massive soviet style bullshit. and possibly more efficient in many cases.
I’m not sure you understand the extent to which Neoliberalism has completely reshaped production.
Even if your goal was to create mostly autonomous regions with independent infrastructure, which is anti socialist to some extent (what obligations do they have to the global proletariat now?), it would take decades of central planning to reach that point. We’re just nowhere near it.
Think about like the average car. It has components from easily like a dozen countries, and those components come from a dozen countries of their own. Even the final parts aren’t made and assembled in the same place. How could you possibly localize that? The knowledge transfers alone would require higher organization. Let alone the investment, construction, training, etc.
This is not about recreating the Soviet system, but realizing that any left project going forward has to be very big and very serious, or it will just essentially be adapting left aesthetics to climate apocalypse, and be wiped out by the likely Feudal dialectic that emerges from that.
Settle your quarrels, come together, understand the reality of our situation, understand that fascism is already here, that people are already dying who could be saved, that generations more will die or live poor butchered half-lives if you fail to act. Do what must be done, discover your humanity and your love in revolution. Pass on the torch. Join us, give up your life for the people.
— George Jackson