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I mean, here in Poland in software development basically you’re expected to go pseudo-contractor or freelance if you want to earn anything significant past a certain level.
Being currently a proper employee with sick leave, PTO, etc. I dread this moment.
We are all business owners now!
Fuck. There is literally a recycled ancap “but the minimum wage is bad tho” argument in here:
"Although the minimum wage and overtime pay requirements of the FLSA would no longer apply to workers who shift from employee status to independent contractor status, the Department anticipates an increase in labor force activity. That said, the Department does not attempt to quantify the magnitude of any increase in earnings as a result of increased labor force activity.
If currently unemployed workers or individuals who are out of the labor market become independent contractors due to this rule, their earnings will increase as they currently have no employment-related earnings other than possibly unemployment benefits. The impact on earnings is more ambiguous if employees’ classifications change to independent contractors. In theory, companies would likely have to pay more per hour to independent contractors than to employees because independent contractors generally do not receive employer-provided benefits and have higher tax liabilities. Data show an hourly wage premium for independent contractors when comparing unconditional means. But as the analysis below shows, when controlling for certain differences in worker characteristics, this expected wage premium may not always be observable at a statistically significant level. It should be noted, however, that these estimates do not attempt to incorporate the value of flexibility and satisfaction that independent contractors cite as key factors in their preference of independent contracting arrangements over traditional employment."
If currently unemployed workers or individuals who are out of the labor market become independent contractors due to this rule, their earnings will increase as they currently have no employment-related earnings other than possibly unemployment benefits.
This is the longest way you could possibly write this sentence. Let me try this shit on and see if it fits.
“If current numbers or integers that are static start to increase their relative value (ie: gain higher numerical reference than concurrent numbers or integers) then the number that increased will be higher than the number that did not increase, therefore, 2 will be a higher number than 1 (and especially that of Zero.)”
Edit: I guess it kinda works. We are going to drown in banality. The future can fuck off.