Real headline should be “Shahid Buttar outed as another progressive grifter by former campaign manager”
“Looking back, I now see some of Shahid’s most destructive behavior as the moments when he was most transparent. He reacted with glee to the news that Bernie had suspended his campaign because of the fundraising boost it would give the campaign when his team reacted with devastation. He would hopefully speculate with donors that Nancy Pelosi would get COVID-19 and die because he thought that it would give him an easy win when COVID-19 cases were rising dramatically in the city. I lost all respect for the candidate that I’d worked so hard to get through the primary only to see him use his platform to enrich himself just as he called out Pelosi for doing the same.”
Her account of his reactions and conduct in campaigning against Pelosi clearly reveals that he’s just another grifter enriching himself on small dollar donations. It again shows how hollow and futile this attempt to reform the democratic party is. US politics only attracts the worst people.
He would hopefully speculate with donors that Nancy Pelosi would get COVID-19 and die because he thought that it would give him an easy win when COVID-19 cases were rising dramatically in the city.
Listen, I think we’ve all hoped at some point that COVID would at least take one of the 90 year old monsters ruling over us. We deserve a silver lining. Instead, as always, it’s just poor people that die. Those ghouls are all immune.
The Bernie reaction is bad, though.
It happens, I gave a dollar to Gravel and some money to joshua congress too. learn from your mistakes I guess
I gave money to Gravel, but it was because I thought the Pentagon rolling Papers were funny, and I wanted that send Kissinger to the Hague pin. They never sent me my damn pin, though.
Dude said he was running as a dem until a day before filing, deleted twitter for a day, and then said he’s running 3rd party with 300K in donations made under the pretenses of being a dem.
Bernie ended up endorsing someone else in the same race.
Writer Yasha Levine wrote an article a month ago about Shahid is a shady Silicon Valley grifter and rose emoji twitter circled the bandwagons.
Regardless of these accusations coming out, Yashas article and criticisms are still pretty trash. The Baffler piece they wrote and refer to defends SOPA/PIPA with “but something must be done!” and doesn’t address any detail or specific criticisms whatsoever, misrepresents certain positions the EFF took and for some reason implies writing a tracking cookie blocker for chrome is somehow evidence of being pro-google (the plugin also exists for Firefox).
At that point you no longer run candidates, but you run empty suits that are bound to the party platform (and ideally can say words good). Obviously the party platform would be decided democratically by a dues paying membership ( not a cent of corporate donations of course)
Kinda like a business franchise, the big decisions are made for you, and the marketing (and much of the campaigning) is already done. Your only job as a candidate is to keep your head above water and abide by the platform.
That’s basically what a normal political party is. The US is weird though
Part of me wants to hope this is an op because I fucking hate Pelosi, but even if he isn’t guilty, ignoring accusers and abuses means other scum will treat their staff like shit and get away with it
To clarify, this doesn’t seem like a Russell Brand-style sexism hit, where he was just called a sexist for making some comments about parenting, after he became a prominently leftist comedian. This seems like pretty hardcore, targeted abuse.
Also he was making $100,000/year from his campaign, yet his staff wasn’t unionized and relied on a lot of unpaid volunteers.