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Eat shit edgelord.
Hey guys, socialist trucker here.
Whoops! Better try again next time, where I’ll be running as member of the National Continental Federated American Federation of Dispensable Workingmen!
gib monies pls
Thanks for putting in so much hard work. Every lost election feels like the end of the world but we live to fight another day.
I’ll pour myself a glass of Havana Club for you, comrade.
yeah lmao and most of them were one liners that made no sense like “seize as many means of production as possible” like bro, what the fuck
I didn’t watch it, but he did either a panel show or an interview on Twitch, and I heard he got eviscerated… really embarrassed himself and basically got plainly outed as a know-nothing. Sucks. I kind of liked him, but it would be better to have left candidates who can at least start to explain things like why workers shouldn’t be exploited and inequality is bad.