It’s gonna be 4 years of shit like this, and libs will be happy as little piggies while climate change and pandemic eviction crises rage uncontrolled.
What if the next 4 years really are just Biden admin shit talking Trump without actually doing anything :unsure:
Don’t worry, lots of stuff is gonna happen and Biden won’t anything about that either
just this ancient creature
Idealistic purity cleansing vs material guillotines cleansing, who’d win?
hE bELIevEs iN sCieNCe #ItsHerTurnToDisinfect #GirlBoss #ArrestTheVirus
I can almost understand being like completely doomer pilled and checked out of politics and your mindset is just “Biden is better than the crazy right wing party that thinks government shouldn’t exist.” These people and the fuckfaces over at neolib actively celebrate him. They think this is all some major beautiful victory. Honestly it doompills me.