In short: Dore is right to push “progressive democrats” to do something, and here’s a better list of what they should be doing
That’s also what AOC says she’s doing right now. She’s negotiating for committee assignments and exceptions to PAYGO. She said that those are higher priorities for getting M4A passed than holding a meaningless floor vote. Reading the comments on here today it would sound like AOC told the people pressuring her to fuck off and die. She said they’re right to pressure her, but pushing for the things in that article helps more than drawing a red line on a floor vote.
> exceptions to PAYGO
> exceptions
Using the good old liberal tactic of starting with a compromise I see.
Good article, gives an outline of five things they could be asking for…
Remove the Medicare for All opponent who chairs the key committee: Schedule a vote on existing legislation to let states create single-payer health care systems: Schedule a vote on a resolution demanding Biden use executive authority to expand Medicare: Include provisions in year-end spending bills that create a presidential commission charged with crafting a Medicare for All program: Author a discharge petition to force a vote on Medicare for All
He does post daily!