umm… what can I think of…?
“Is it true what they say about the spouses of battalion commanders? When they deploy, their spouses “deploy”… if you know what I mean?”
“Does burning human flesh smell more like pork or beef?”
Respond with enthusiastic interest but in uwu-speak
“OwO dat swounds wike an awazing owotwunitwy! I awways dweamed of bewing awble 2 swerve my cwuntwy!”
Do the whole “OwO *notices bulge*” pasta then bark at them unceasingly
If its Army, use “jarhead”
If its Marines, use “soldiers”
If its Navy, use “semen”
… I never heard one for Airforce so you’re on your own there.
If you have time, just waste thier time
Just go along with it, thats less time they can get someone else