In Parasite, "Bong Joon-ho did a great job displaying the point that no matter where you come from, if you work hard for what you want and/or work together to make something happen, it is possible to succeed.”
College students in general are optimistic cause they havent seen how much life sucks yet. This is like complaining that a toddler might think cops are good
Every single university student I know is depressed, anxious, thinks the world is fucked etc. A lot of them come from broken homes, are paying their way through college, sharing a one bedroom with three other people, all while they see their chances of a good life vanish, and desperately searching for internships or co-ops or whatever they can grasp that can give them a lifeline.
In the thread there were some other explanations than “American optimism”. Like trying to write what they think the prof wants, carrying over their high school’s way of analyzing etc.
I can’t comment on the toddler analogy, but given your username, I’m guessing you’re the cop they mistake for being good.
I can relate to that
late highschool and early college, I felt like I was growing out of teenage rebellion and was ready to make peace with the system, and then had to repeatedly walk face-first into the real world to realize that things are more fucked than I ever thought
Yeah that was my lib phase. When I thought I’d finally “grown up” and had verrry mature, adult viewpoints like those people on NPR… hell, I even read the Wall Street Journal and thought myself quite proper for it!
I’m 35 now but would love to visit my younger self and whack him with a mallet.
I don’t think anyone’s actually that optimistic, I think that adults feed kids optimism so they’ll succeed, and then kids regurgitate it because it’s why they think adults want, also because the school system through highschool is largely about figuring out what adults want.
Kim Kardashian still wiggles with glossy sex even if underneath her skin is a Frankenstein’s horror of silicone, scars, and collagen.