I hate this “progressive” shit they should just say liberal
Half of million fled lithuania after capitalism restoration, but we’ll skip those numbers
Hey, remind me what was going on in 1988 in the propaganda-free bastion of democracy that is the USA? Oh right, it was when the presidential election reached a turning point due to the Revolving Door and Willie Horton ads, which used racist dogwhistles to imply that Dukakis was “soft on crime”. Also, the person who created those ads (Roger Ailes) would later become the CEO of Fox News.
The only reason I know about Shakesville is because Twitter main character Ana Mardoll wrote for them, apparently
The main writer was one of my favorite Chapo characters. It was like a CHUD parody of what a feminist is came to life, and decided to ride or die for Hillary.
Probably my “favorite” Shakesville moment was when the blog’s founder
CW: Transphobia
posted glowing praise of a TERF, got criticized for it in the post’s comments, and responded by haranguing those critics for daring to question her good nature.
Remember when Melissa claimed Bernie (and therefore his followers) was racist because he said “working class people and people of color”. This according to her was because he believed they were mutually exclusive.
Won’t somebody think of the land barons who lost their sugarcane plantations to the common rabble!