Get fucked.
hey someone keep an eye on when the domain will expire so you can redirect it to a pic of xi jinping
if redirect fingerprints them, could secretly flair all at once.
randomly introduce typos into their posts. 😈
Better plan
- Redirect with tracing
- Anyone who comes from that link and makes an account gets a special version of the sign up page
- For “verification purposes” they need to upload a dick pic - put something in there about maintaining purity and freedom of speech or something and a lot of them will probably do it
- Create a new community called /c/posthog where all those dick pics get immediately uploaded
Their posts have a really ugly dark pink background with puke green text.
Lmao they’re giving the userbase THREE DAYS NOTICE.
This basically cripples any chance of users organising lifeboats, hooking up with friends and coalescing around any alternative. They will literally be scattered to the winds.
Some of them won’t even log on in those 3 days. They will try to in a week or two or even a month in some cases and just be confused by a completely closed down site.
This site is a fucking miracle lol, the discord was organized in like 6 hours. Would have been cool if we could have brought all 100k along though
More people keep finding their way here, so I’m betting we’ll recover a large amount in time.
I have no fucking idea what voat is.
we have like 1/3rd the userbase they have and theyve been up for like 8 years lol. and we’re more active
It asked for a password to log in on registering, but why? Who would even need to “log back in”?
I thought it was a great thing when it became an anti-reddit alternative to reddit (because of censorship or something idk, i was totally apolitical). Then I went on it and was instantly hit with turbo racism and never visited again lmao
There was (and probably still is) a shit ton of almost CP. It was around the time Reddit banned a bunch of similar subreddits like Jailbait and stuff
also, HOLY SHIT that place has really gone all out on the anti-semitism.
Anti-semitism, racism, fascism, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia… all God’s rich tapestry of hate and ugliness.
I mean, I knew voat was explicitly all about being terrible people but I also hadn’t been there since 2015 ish and I feel like all of those things are way more explicitly said now than they were back then.
I was curious about fatpeoplehate around that time too because it seems like such a weird concept to me (I’m thin). I decided to check it out again a month or two ago and it just seemed really sad and pathetic, like the same few people turboposting and using what was like their own language for things. I guess that’s what hate does to you.