Sorry to anyone who fooled themselves into thinking he was better than Trump
“If you don’t vote for Biden, it means you don’t care about the kids in cages”
Watch how fast liberals will go from decrying kids in cages to saying ackshually, they’re chain linked fences in a warehouse
oh wait, it only took them 3 days after the election was called :agony-immense:
lololololol holy fucking shit wow fucking piece of shit fuck him and fuck every liberal who pushed this corpse on the voters
There was a big push from establishment dems to make Biden seem like whatever he needed to be for any lib to vote for him.
You want a bold reformer who will be remembered as the next FDR? He’s got the most progressive platform in history bro just look at his website bro
You want a return to the domestic calm of the Obama administration with a competent manager of empire? You’ve got enough skin in the game to know that, under Biden, nothing will fundamentally change, no one’s standard of living will change.
Neither will be true in a few months time though. Vague platitudes and neoliberal vibes can’t change material conditions.
fascism for thee but not for me
-Libs to anyone who isn’t white