Just the most smooth brain shit i’ve seen all week. truly incredible shit https://twitter.com/SheWantsTheVic/status/1342026482353385472?s=20
the replies are great though, highly recommend poking through it
Hey now, who wouldn’t want to travel to a city with amazing culinary culture to eat food not from its culture in an airport?
why would you fly to paris to eat english “food” from a cafeteria tray
how could i forget mentioning also drinking canned minute maid lol, like come the fuck on, if you’re gonna do a post about eating in paris, this might be everything you shouldn’t post
I was gonna comment on the juice in the can! Also the pastries look store-bought and slapped on a plate. Was this a complimentary breakfast a niceish hotel? Cause that’s what this looks like lol
Edit- just noticed the “Air France Lounge” tag under the photo, so I wasn’t that off lmao. Bragging about eating airport food
Mildly better, but not saying much. It’s the same tier as food courts in mega malls, cause it’s basically the same environment
That food looks bad lol the prestige of being able to fly on a whim is doing the heavy lifting in this post.
fuLL enLGiSh bORkFAtS
it’s just beans and sausages on a plate