im tired
mythology exists to rationalize the material conditions of our lives, such as weak heels
I thought she did dunk her hand in, she was just holding him by the ankle so her hand covered that bit of skin
Wouldn’t it be by both ankles though since we got two heels? Better question yet is why not just alternate holding heels while you dunk the baby in the bathwater?
Should’ve put him in a deep fryer basket and gently swirled him around in the water
I remember something about water fucking with your memory, so she didn’t want to touch water.
IIRC, all of the rivers of the underworld fucked up memory, although in different ways.
Also, if the issue was Achilleas floating away, what’s the problem, he is invincible, he’s just gonna get out of the river on his own after some time, just leave him lol
Come to think of it, there’s the whole problem of the Styx ending up in the underworld so…
Either way she did a shit job.
If she let go he would have died, iirc. If you dont get pulled out you become lost to the river forever
Women are not rational actors