#resist (the temptation to splurge when designer yoga pants go on sale)
decolonizing gender :halal:
corpo sponsored controlled opp :haram:
Cynically, by “decolonize gender”, they probably just mean, “How can we get more men in yoga pants?”
Words don’t mean anything, any leftist language short of guillotine and gulag will be immediately co-opted. Revolution is when reform, decolonization is a liberal buzzword now, resistance is when the world’s most painfully unfunny show EPICLY OWNS ORANGE MAN DRUMPF. Socialism is when fire department, capitalism is when you buy things.
Words don’t mean anything, any leftist language short of guillotine and gulag will be immediately co-opted.
Take a guillotine to those prices and save, then show off those gams to fellow joggers at Central Park!
Gulag, though? Might need help with that one…
“Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”
Mainstreaming opposition to capitalism as explicit opposition to capitalism is generally good, even if the source doesn’t have any worthwhile aims. It’s easier to bring someone left if they start off conscious of capitalism and with a negative opinion of it. Contrast that with people who will defend capitalism without even knowing it, and who will say “but capitalism is the greatest driver of prosperity and freedom and sunshine and rainbows ever” if you even get to the point where you can discuss it directly.
I know what the words “decolonizing” and “gender” mean, but what do they mean together? How has gender been colonized? Does decolonized not mean “negating effects of colonization (imperialism)” anymore? And if it is about negating the gender roles that come into effect due to imperialism (ie: men aggressive, women subservient), what does that have to do with yoga pants?
in this case, decolonizing gender means poc wearing our expensive woke yoga pants
Ignoring that this instance is just recuperation, if de-colonization isn’t being used to literally mean indigenous self-rule, then it’s being used in a critical theory way, like undoing the Eurocentrist way that all of modern global society is understood and organized.
De-colonizing gender would not JUST be academic examination of non-European cultures’ understanding of gender, (common examples being two-spirit and hijra). Previous interest in non-European culture has been various flavours of condescending and more about cataloguing for historical interest. “De-colonizing” a subject means treating the non-European body of work on it as equally valid and not “good anywhere it doesn’t conflict with the European canon”.
Be right back, gonna go shove my face into a deli slicer