Goddamn Chapos, hell of a day huh? For good and bad reasons, the mood in here is spicy. Now I’m down for some spice, but we gotta balance that shit out. For real, at the end of the day this is a forum for shit-posting leftist memes and engaging with like-minded comrades as we learn and grow as socialists in a fun and relaxed environment. That is not going to happen if we’re all stressed and mad and assuming the worst in every single interaction.
I think this most recent struggle session is a good wake-up call to reevaluate how we treat one another, and what kind of energy we bring to the site. I’ve seen some incredibly compassionate and patient comments throughout this mess, and it helped remind me what I liked about the old sub before doomerism took root when Bernie started doing badly. It was one of the few places on r*ddit where people seemed genuinely supportive of one another, and willing to engage in good faith. There is still a strong culture of that underlying ChapoChat, but it’s easy to get wrapped up in the moment and lose it when things get heated. We’ve gotta remember that there’s a real person on the other side of the screen with feelings, hopes, dreams, fears, and yes, even flaws. It’s essential to building the kind of energy and culture we desire.
We’re infinitely more capable of that than chuds and reactionaries and those filthy, FILTHY libs. I know this because I see it on here every day; some days more than others, sure, but every day nonetheless. Maybe we can overcome some of this tension and struggle-mentality if we remember that, and actively work to promote and cherish it.
/end hippy rant
Are you saying we should be more
C I V I L ???
i love your vibes. maybe it is hippie shit but if the whole site had this vibe we would be excellent.