sebastian [he/him]
i miss smoking weed. have to quit for a job but god it was just self medicating for my issues. why is it still illegal :(
this is much smaller potatoes compared to what japan has done across asia, but it’s an issue that hits close to home. to legally transition, you have to A. be sterilized, B. have no kids (under age 20), and C. be single.
it’s Not a good look and i’ve been very much wanting to complain about it.
i love your vibes. maybe it is hippie shit but if the whole site had this vibe we would be excellent.
i actually have never watched it cause i’m not a big podcast guy. is it worth a listen? and should i just start at, like, the first one or something?
removing the downvote was bad cause now i have to look at this with no way to fight back. excuse me, mods???
i gotta agree, banning and mass removing the alt made to point out his behavior was shady as fuck and he really should apologize for it, to both you and bingo. you’re a good person who i love seeing around, and i wish i could make things better for you. i really hope they do get better. :trans-heart: