Honestly fucking disgusting, this is why being a “communist” for aesthetics or following people like this because your horny for them or occasionally they do one good post isn’t worth it. Shoe has a massive platform and Ash has a rather sizeable stan following on twitter. This is what you get though for propping people up like this. shoe was never good and has never been good. I’m not targeting this post to anyone specifically at chapo, most yall already knew, i’m just frustrated because this is the exact reason i can’t get on board with accepting reformed reactionaries because they say bash the fash now or some stupid shit. fuck that
The tweets were deleted but not before google archived it https://i.imgur.com/H4Uc5sh.png https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:0rTZ8buKqvsJ:https://twitter.com/PUNISHEDASH/status/1346921191915839491+&cd=11&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
edit: and sorry if it wasn’t clear, that viking guy is an actual nazi
This reeks of yank, only a yank can be such a pathetic shivvyshite. Imagine being so maladjusted to reality that you shit the bed over a clear and obvious joke.
hot nazis should be shot, too
I dont even know who these people are, the only time I learn about this shit is because of chapos ranting about them. I get your point tho, and agree that shit like this with a large audience ain’t good.